- English
1. Participation of non-state actors at intergovernmental United Nations (UN) meetings and
summits on sustainable development has greatly increased over the years;
2. Modalities of participation have evolved to match the increased options for participation by nonstate actors, but the rapid change of scale and scope of sustainable development challenges may demand a reorganization of non-state actor involvement in intergovernmental processes;
3. Reorganizing non-state actor participation according to an intuitive and simple framework that captures social and environmental dimensions of development along with their interlinkages could provide a useful context for stronger involvement of non-state actors in UN processes. The Oxfam Donut could provide pointers as to how such a framework of engagement could be designed;
4. Creating one overarching framework for relevant participation of multiple stakeholders could positively enhance the input-legitimacy of non state actors in intergovernmental processes. Increased input-legitimacy could over time pave the way for a decision making mandate for non state actors in intergovernmental processes.
- English