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The Sustainable Cities Database is a new information resource to help sustainable development actors identify potential partner cities for low-carbon technology transfer projects.
Spatial and Demographic Indicators: Spatial and demographic characteristics are described using a range of indicators, including population size and density, natural features and geographic coordinates.
Economic and Financial Indicators: Economic and financial conditions of cities are addressed by documenting key economic sectors, average household incomes and data related to local government budgets. Information on these indicators provides insights on local economic priorities and financial capacities that are conducive to the development and implementation of ambitious sustainability strategies.
Planning and Institutional Indicators: Information on institutional arrangements and plan-making in cities is deemed important to get a better understanding how proactive cities are and what their capacity is for future sustainability initiatives. Governance for local climate change action is becoming vital for cities, and this database is probably the first initiative seeking to collect city-level data related to electoral cycles and results, numbers of civil servants and local plans and strategies across national borders in Asia.
International Exposure Indicators: The level of international exposure of a city is gauged by a set of indicators that show where there already is receptiveness for strategies for urban sustainability transitions and where greater efforts must be made by the international community for such concepts to gain traction. This category includes information such as past and present overseas development assistance activity in a city as well as engagement in city networks and partnerships.
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