The Effects of Landscape and Livelihood Transitions on Hunting in Sarawak

In Anthropogenic Tropical Forests: Human–Nature Interfaces on the Plantation Frontier
Chapter: 14
Book Chapter

Over the last few decades, the landscape of Borneo has drastically changed from primary forests to a mosaic of secondary forests and crop plantations, and more recently to the monocultures of single crop plantations. At the same time, livelihoods have become more linked to urban economies. To evaluate the effects of these changes on hunting activity, 1050 households in 34 villages in the Kemena and Tatau basins in Bintulu, central Sarawak, were studied. Using regression analysis, the importance of landscape type, the proportion of inhabited bilik and livelihood activities were analysed as factors affecting hunting activity. Results show that both environmental and social transitions are important factors that influence hunting activities. This research contributes to the understanding of current human–animal relations in view of the increasing expansion of oil palm and tree plantations in insular Southeast Asia.
