A Process for Making Nationally-determined Commitments More Ambitious


Recently, negotiations have intensified over a post-2020 framework to address climate change. This framework is applicable to all the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and one of the most contentious issues is how diverse Parities with different national circumstances should contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the course of discussions, a concept of “nationally determined commitments or contributions” to mitigate climate change has been increasingly gathering attention.

This issue brief proposes specific steps and time frames that mainstream necessary information into the policy-making process with a view to contributing to the formulation of social pressure for enhancing the level of mitigation action.

Key Messages:

・Mainstreaming scientific information into the policy-making process could enhance social or peer pressure to make nationally-determined mitigation contributions more ambitious. Such information should be provided by a respected actor, be comparative and/or infused with prescriptive guidance.

・To this end we propose that a consortium of respected research institutes is established with a view to providing benchmarks to which Parties can refer when proposing their initial commitments and against which each Party’s relative contribution to the 2°C target will be assessed.

・To enhance ex-ante clarity and comparability of Parties’ commitments, the Consortium will also provide a common and clear template for information on mitigation commitments that Parties will complete ex-ante.

・A limited number of Parties—for example the G20 member countries—will be requested to complete the common template and go through an international consultation process with a view to amending commitments to meet the required aggregate contribution for the 2°C target.
