Participatory watershed land-use management approach: Interfacing science, policy and participation for effective decision making

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Training or Learning Material

IGES Making Our Cities Climate-Sensitive e-Learning Video Series comprises two videos:
1) Overcoming floods in the Philippines: A story of climate change adaptation and mitigation ,
2) Participatory watershed land-use management approach: Interfacing science, policy and participation for effective decision making

These two educational videos address weather-related disasters that are caused by the intensive land development and likely to be exacerbated by climate change.

An instructional Video 2 introduces Participatory Watershed Land-use Management (PWLM), an innovative approach developed by IGES and UPLB to tackle the problem by employing a systematic process with familiar tools such as scenario analysis and risk assessment with the engagement of local stakeholders to create solutions to reduce this imminent risk and avoid CO2 emissions at the same time.

Providing an overview and a step-by-step instruction of the PWLM approach, the videos aim to raise awareness of climate-induced flood hazard and call for immediate actions to manage the risk.


These videos are available for use under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License
