Medium-to-Long Term Strategy 2016-2025

Business Report
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1. Introduction
The main objectives of this Medium-to-Long Term Strategy 2016-2025 (hereafter, the MLS) are:
- First, to elaborate the vision of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), reconfirming the basic principles prescribed in the Charter for the Establishment of IGES (hereafter, the Charter), and its mission taking into account the value proposition of the institute (Section 2);
- Second, to set medium-to-long term goals for priority research areas, with a view to making significant progress in contributing to social transition through fulfilling the IGES mission, taking into account global and regional trends related to each area (Section 3);
- Third, to establish organisational strategies to meet the medium-to-long term goals (Section 4); and
- Fourth, to provide directions for an enhanced institutional basis to support the implementation of the strategy (Section 5).
Given the rapidly changing situations surrounding sustainability challenges, the MLS needs to be revised at least every 10 years.
