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Training or Learning Material
Inspired by Nature-based solutions and actions
Urban rivers in Singapore are surrounded by concrete embankments and riverbeds that degrade the natural ecosystem and ecosystem services. The Singapore government has taken up several initiatives to restore the urban environment and the ABC program is a significant one among them. Many factors have played a role in the success of the ABC program...
PR, Newsletter or Other
With the goal of reporting environmental issues and actions on the formation of sustainable societies in the Asia-Pacific region, since 1998 the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has gathered and compiled news on environmental issues and policies and released them annually as the top environmental news in the Asia-Pacific. This...
PR, Newsletter or Other
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has been releasing a collection of the top news items on the environment in the Asia-Pacific region every year since 1998. This has been with the aim of collecting and organising information about environmental issues and policy trends in the region, and to report on how the region addresses...
Discussion Paper
APEIS/RISPO Strategic Policy Options (SPOs) Database
"Compact city" in this policy option refers to land planning focusing on higher density and better accessibility which reduces automobile dependency. "Smart growth" is a general term for land use practices that create more accessible land use patterns which reduce the amount of travel needed to reach goods and services (Litman, 2003a). Experiences...