Results 1 - 10 of 67 (Sorted by date)
Conference Proceeding
JSPS-ICSSR Seminar on Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed decades of progress in many developmental areas and aggravated the already-existing gaps in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Measures by countries to recover from the crisis have been varied. These measures, if designed properly and implemented efficiently, can stimulate progress in many pandemic...
Policy Report
ESCAP/North- East Asian Sub-regional Programme for Environmental Cooperation
This report analyses and compares the low carbon city policies and practices of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, with the goal of identifying sector-specific and city-specific good practices that may be instructive to researchers and policymakers in the wider NEA region. It examines key national-level carbon mitigation policies and sector...
Book Chapter
In Scenarios of Environmental Resilience and Transformation in Times of Climate Change: Effects and Lessons from the COVID-19
Five years after the SDGs were adopted and just when the United Nations called for realising the Decade of Action, the COVID-19 pandemic halted the progress of the SDGs and even reversed some of the achievements that the world made over years. With most countries struggling to overcome the pandemic and revive the economy, losing the focus on the...
China Energy Modeling Forum Annual Meeting:International Modeling Seminar on Low-Emission Development Strategy
This paper estimates an internal carbon pricing of Korean companies under the Korean domestic emission trading scheme using firm-level data. Internal carbon pricing is a monetary value putting on GHG emissions, which enables companies to take a measurable approach of carbon management and investment strategy in business operations. The price of...
Research Report
While being broadly framed as 17 separate and diverse elements, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets inherently interlink with one another making up indivisible parts of sustainability from a systemic perspective. Actions or measures taken for achieving one goal may be mutually reinforcing or contradictory with achieving...
Data or Tool
The Climate Policy and Market Mechanism Status Report aims at providing updated information on the status of national climate policy and market mechanisms in the selected countries. A particular focus is set on mechanisms such as the CDM, national ETS and the JCM. Countries covered: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Lao PDR, Mongolia...
Commissioned Report
The objective of this work was to develop a research plan and propose how the three countries could move forward on joint research related to two of the priority areas in the Joint Action Plan (Climate Change Response and Transition to a Green Economy), in consultation with the counterparts from Korea and China, based on results of the previous...
Urban Transition Global Summit 2016
Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 brought together researchers, policy-makers, government representatives and practitioners to review the latest research and practice towards developing an urban future that is more economically competitive, sustainable and resilient, equitable and inclusive and digitally supported. IGES was invited to the...
Urban Transition Global Summit 2016
Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 brought together researchers, policy-makers, government representatives and practitioners to review the latest research and practice towards developing an urban future that is more economically competitive, sustainable and resilient, equitable and inclusive and digitally supported. IGES was invited to the...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Cleaner Production
Responding to the climate change, Korea has been establishing a domestic policy framework for promoting energy saving and greenhouse gases reduction, with the expansion of low carbon technologies for industry as a key area. This paper analyzes investment barriers for low carbon technology investment and suggests supportive policies based on a...