Results 1 - 10 of 209 (Sorted by date)
環境経済・政策学会 2023年大会
2020 年 10 月、当時の菅総理が「 2050 年カーボンニュートラル、脱炭素社会の実現」を宣言してから今日に至るまで( 2023 年 3 月 31 日時点)、東京都・京都市・横浜市を始めとする 934 自治体( 46 都道府県、 531 市、 21 特別区、 290 町、 46 村)が「 2050 年までに二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロ」を表明しており、係る自治体の総人口は、約 1 億 2,577 万人にのぼる。今後、自治体による地域特性に配慮した再エネ戦略づくりの更なる活性化が見込まれ、再エネポテンシャルの正確な把握が課題となる。本稿は神奈川県三浦郡葉山町を対象に、建築物外周線データ分析に基づき、当該行政区域における屋上設置型太陽光発電設備の導入ポテンシャルについて試算した。試算では...
環境経済・政策学会 2023年大会
17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies
Nationwide ageing and dramatic depopulation threaten the survival of many Japanese small-sized towns and villages. To address this challenge—which is not unique but that in Japan is compounded by uneven urbanization patterns and increasing ruptures within the socioeconomic order—the Government of Japan is encouraging municipalities to adopt a pro...
AIP Conference Proceedings
A waste bank is a unique community-based waste management system that promotes source separation of waste and recycling. This study conducted a total population sampling targeting all identified waste bank units in Medan City (N = 100) between September 2017 and February 2018. Descriptive statistics were applied to address 16 research questions and...
Regional Studies Association Annual Conference
Regions and places face unprecedented challenges that need ambitious policies to drive sustainable transitions. While the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been shaping the policies (or at least the discourse) of national governments and supranational organisations, there is...
LoCARNet 11th Annual Meeting
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report highlighted the critical connections between climate actions and sustainable development, including both synergies and trade-offs. Managing the trade-offs through policy design is strongly recommended and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are proposed as a basis for evaluating climate actions in the context...
Natural resource management in developing countries is often placed in the context of strengthening climate change resilience. However, the resilience concept is highly abstract. This study will analyze how the resilience concept is reflected in policies, measures, and implementation in Ethiopia and Kenya, two countries with arid and semi-arid...
TT12 Session, 2022 International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP)
In 2022, UNEP conducted a regional review of the Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) in Asia-Pacific covering 36 countries and 50 VNRs from an environmental perspective. For indicators, we developed a framework to review the environment-related indicators and data that were used in the VNRs. We found that t he overall coverage of the environment...
TIFAC-IIASA International Conference on Systems Analysis for Enabling Integrated Policy Making
The UN 2030 Agenda charts out 17 interlinked Sustainable Development Goals that require a systems approach to their implementation. However, such a systems approach is new and challenging due to the broad coverage of social, economic and environmental dimensions and complex relations among 169 targets. There is a big knowledge gap about how the...