Results 1 - 10 of 711 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Waste Management & Recycling Technology
Open waste burning (OWB) is a prevalent waste management practice in many parts of Asia, contributing significantly to air pollution and undermining efforts towards climate mitigation. This paper examines the nexus of waste management, pollution control, and health while providing policy recommendations to address policy gaps and implementation...
Policy Report
Approximately one billion tonnes of municipal organic waste are generated globally every year, although only a small fraction of this is currently recycled, with the remaining factions being either burnt or dumped in landfill sites. Composting is one of a number of different ways in which organic wastes can be converted into valuable products such...
PR, Newsletter or Other
Yuerae (AKita University, Student)
Kitagawa (Tohoku University, Student)
Uemura (Tsukuba University, Student)
Short (Sophia University, Student)
Alnaqbi (Institute of Science Tokyo, Student)
Norasing (Institute of Science Tokyo, Student)
Miyazaki (Aoyama Gakuin University, Student)
Nguyen Thuy
Truc (Rikkyo University, Student)
Prihatmaja (Kyoto University, Student)
Alejandra Maritza Rodas
Aroche (Kyoto University, Student)
Galette (Kyoto University, Student)
Egawa (Osaka Metropolitan University, Student)
Martin R.
Bustamante Antonio (Eikei University of Hiroshima, Student)
Fujino (The University of Kitakyushu, Student)
Mai Ngoc
Chau (The University of Kitakyushu, Student)
Hnin Ei
Kyaw (Nagasaki University, Student)
Syed Shabbar
Hussain (Nagasaki University, Student)
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies organized "the SDGs Global Human Resource Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" in FY2024 under UNESCO Activity Grant by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Total of seventeen university and graduyate school students...
Conference Paper
14th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management - Circular Economy and IPLA Global Forum 2024
Open waste burning (OWB) is a prevalent waste management practice in many parts of Asia, contributing significantly to air pollution and undermining efforts towards climate mitigation. This paper examines the nexus of waste management, pollution control, and health while providing policy recommendations to address policy gaps and implementation...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Microplastics
Mahagama Gedara Yohan Lasantha Mahagamage
Sachith Gihan Gamage
Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Shehan Kaushalya Rathnayake
Thejani Abeynayaka
Chathura Welivitiya
Lahiru Udumalagala
Chathura Rajitha
Supun Suranjith
Synthetic fibers are widely used in daily life due to their durability, elasticity, low cost, and ease of use. The textile industry is the primary source of synthetic microfibers, as these materials are mostly used in production processes. Globally, plastic pollution has been identified as a major environmental threat in this era, since plastics...
Translation of non-IGES Material
International Resource Panel
本書は、2024年2月UNEA6にて発表された、世界資源アウトルック(GRO)2024の内容をコンパクトにまとめた政策決定者向け要約(SPM:Summary for Policymakers)の日本語版。7つの地域、4つの所得国グループに及ぶ180カ国について、利用可能な最善のデータ、モデリングおよび評価を動員し、我々の資源利用の動向、影響、分配効果に関する分析をまとめるとともに、負の傾向を逆転させ、人類を持続可能な軌道へ乗せる可能性についても考察している。 資源利用量の増加が3つの地球危機(気候変動・生物多様性の喪失・汚染)の主な要因となっている。我々の経済活動のための物質資源の採取・加工は、過去50年間で3倍に増加、現在、温室効果ガス排出量の55%以上、粒子状物質(PM...
Translation of non-IGES Material
日本語訳:Enabling the energy transition Mitigating growth in material and energy needs, and building a sustainable mining sector- IRP Co-Chair Opinion Piece 英語オリジナル版URL:
Policy Brief
Maria Cândida
This policy brief focuses on the international collaboration necessary to equitably progress towards the sustainable energy transition. In that context, it addresses SDG 12 - responsible consumption and production, and in particular SDG target 12.2 - achieving sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. Based on recent research...
Briefing Note
Based on UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) resolution 5/14 'Ending plastic pollution', adopted in March 2022, a legally binding international instrument on plastic pollution is to be developed. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on plastic pollution has started and INC4 was organised in April 2024. This article analyses the...