Results 1001 - 1006 of 1006 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
Ranjith Perera
Ariva Sugandi Permana
Wanpen Charoentrakulpeeti
Cities in Asian developing countries are generally characterized by a relatively high density, low levels of motorization, relatively high public transport and bicycle usage, high density corridor orientations radiating from the city centre, and generally mixed land uses (SUTP, 2003). This statement brings into two situations; first, with respect...
Discussion Paper
Heru Sutomo
Fajar Saumatmaji
Restu Novitarini Djarwoningrum
Jakarta, Indonesian capital with population of around 7.5 millions (Statistics Jakarta, 2004) is striving with transport and environmental problems. World Bank ranked Jakarta as the third most polluted city, not to mention the serious congestion takes place everyday. The dominating private motorcars including motorcycles is evident. Road public...
Report Chapter
In Air Pollution Control in the Transportation Sector: Third Phase Research Report of the Urban Environmental Management Project
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly understood to mean a system that emphasises priority for and rapid movement of buses by securing segregated busways, although there is no precise definition of what constitutes a BRT system (International Energy Agency (IEA) 2002; Wright 2005). From an environmental perspective, BRTs have the potential to reduce...