The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies organized "the SDGs Global Human Resource Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" in FY2024 under UNESCO Activity Grant by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Total of seventeen university and graduyate school students...
Results 1 - 10 of 283 (Sorted by date)
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
本書は、2024年2月UNEA6にて発表された、世界資源アウトルック(GRO)2024の内容をコンパクトにまとめた政策決定者向け要約(SPM:Summary for Policymakers)の日本語版。7つの地域、4つの所得国グループに及ぶ180カ国について、利用可能な最善のデータ、モデリングおよび評価を動員し、我々の資源利用の動向、影響、分配効果に関する分析をまとめるとともに、負の傾向を逆転させ、人類を持続可能な軌道へ乗せる可能性についても考察している。 資源利用量の増加が3つの地球危機(気候変動・生物多様性の喪失・汚染)の主な要因となっている。我々の経済活動のための物質資源の採取・加工は、過去50年間で3倍に増加、現在、温室効果ガス排出量の55%以上、粒子状物質(PM...
In Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication
The process to define the sustainable development goals (SDGs), which took place between 2012 and 2015, was based on broad stakeholder engagement. As such, it was a unique communicative effort to integrate diverse voices into the process and its outcomes. After nearly a decade, the year 2023 marks the midpoint in the implementation of the SDGs...
International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP2023) Summary Report
The International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) is an international forum where leading experts, international organizations, governments, businesses, and NGOs gather to discuss various aspects of sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. ISAP is held annually in Japan to promote information sharing and strengthen...
持続可能なアジア太平洋に関する国際フォーラム(ISAP)2023 サマリーレポート
持続可能なアジア太平洋に関する国際フォーラム(International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific: ISAP)は、第一線で活躍する専門家、国際機関、政府、企業、NGO 関係者が集い、アジア太平洋の持続可能な開発に関する多様な議論を行う国際フォーラムです。主催機関である地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)が関与している国際的なネットワークと協力しつつ、関係者間の情報共有の促進や連携強化を図ることを目的として、毎年日本で開催しています。2023 年のISAP は、「アジア太平洋における持続可能な社会への移行を加速する:統合、包摂、ローカライゼーションがもたらす変革の可能性」をテーマに、以下の3 つの変革的ダイナミクスに焦点を当てました。
Accounting for around 40 per cent of the world’s economy, 30 per cent of its energy demand and 25 per cent of energy system CO2 emissions, the G7 is called to play a leading role in building consensus towards implementing the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This policy brief argues for the urgency for the G7 to intensify its climate ambition...
Brochure of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (For ISRP8)
On 8 December 2023, the COP28 Japan Pavilion side event “Accelerating International Collaboration towards a Net-zero and Resilient ASEAN” was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), inviting ASEAN Member State (AMS) representatives, youth, and a European research organisation, and had a panel discussion...
IGES submission: Experience and lessons learned in relation to conducting the first global stocktake
This submission outlines our experiences and lessons learned in relation to conducting the first GST, providing following six key refinements for the second GST from the perspective of enhancing the impact of non-Party stakeholders’ engagement: Mechanism to encourage submissions Effective use of submissions Format of technical dialogues...