生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関する政府間科学政策プラットフォーム(IPBES:Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)は、生物多様性と生態系サービスに関する動向を科学的に評価し、科学と政策のつながりを強化する政府間のプラットフォームとして、2012年4月に設立された政府間組織で、事務局はドイツのボンに置かれています。本パンフレットはIPBESの機能、組織体制、作業計画や概念枠組、ならびに実施中及び計画中のアセスメントの概要等について説明しています。
This is the Japanese report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is...
This is the Japanese summary of a report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information...
This is the Japanese summary of a report on an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version of the summary was also produced. The topic is invasive alien species and the event was an offshoot of activities related to Japan's G7 presidency. Please note that this document is confidential and therefore...
This is the Japanese version of a report of an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is confidential.
This is the Japanese version of the summary of a report of an international workshop convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023.
This is the English report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. A Japanese version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is...
This is the English version of a report of an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. A Japanese version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is confidential.