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Policy Report
United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]
[DAISY] GEO for Youth Asia and the Pacific (text only DAISY3, zip file) IGES is proud to provide GEO for Youth Asia and the Pacific in DAISY format. DAISY enables accessibility of information to all, including people with print disabilities. This DAISY file was created by persons with disabilities and the support of the Assistive Technology...
Book Chapter
In GEO-6 Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific
• The emergence of multiple global environmental goals clearly signals a need to reverse the trend of deteriorating environmental conditions across the region. Despite some deficiencies, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been successful in showing the effectiveness of a goal-based approach to problem solving. • New or revised agreements...
Book Chapter
In SDplanNet-Asia Pacific Regional Workshop Series
SDPlanNet in Asia-Pacific aims to contribute to the post-2015 Development Agenda process, particularly in terms of translating global agreements on the SDGs into meaningful policies and practices at regional, national and sub-national levels. This Regional Practices Paper is prepared as spadework for the attainment of this objective. Specifically...
Data or Tool
The Sustainable Cities Database is a new information resource to help sustainable development actors identify potential partner cities for low-carbon technology transfer projects. Spatial and Demographic Indicators: Spatial and demographic characteristics are described using a range of indicators, including population size and density, natural...
Translation of non-IGES Material
United Nations Environment Programme
[DAISY] ( テキストのみDAISY3形式、zipファイル) この度、NPO法人支援技術開発機構(ATDO) 様のサポートによりGEOユースアジア太平洋のDAISY版の作成を行うことができました。DAISYとは誰もが読めるアクセシブルな電子書籍の国際標準規 格です。 DAISYについて、 また再生ツールの詳細に関してはこちらをご覧ください。
Translation of non-IGES Material
United Nations Environment Programme
国連環境計画(UNEP)により出版された「地球環境概況(Global Environment Outlook: GEO)-6ユース:アジア太平洋」は、ユースのためにユースにより書かれた報告書です。IGESではこの報告書の執筆、和訳および誰にでも読めるDAISY版への翻訳のサポートを行いました。
Commissioned Report
Ministry of Environment of Japan - Commissioned Report
This draft report documents progress made on the “Low Carbon Technology Transfer Preparedness Database Project”, supported by the Ministry of Environment Japan in FY 2014. The report’s key focus lies on documenting subnational data gaps, sources and access issues whilst also describing contributions made to international processes on data and...