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HLPF2019 IGESSide Event “From Science to Implementation: Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) to Integrate Climate Change, Resilience, and the SDGs” on 11thJuly 2019, UNHQ, NY
HLPF2019 IGESSide Event “From Science to Implementation: Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) to Integrate Climate Change, Resilience, and the SDGs” on 11thJuly 2019, UNHQ, NY
Commissioned Report
Background and objectives On 5-6 May 2013 the 15th Tripartite Environmental Ministers Meetings (TEMM15) was held in Kitakyushu, where the three countries engaged in opinion exchange on ten priority areas for environmental cooperation. From 2014, recommendations were made to specifically prioritise the strengthening of policy dialogue, collaborative...