Association of Southeast Asian Nations

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Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
• Climate change is already causing serious negative impacts in the region. In the future, extreme weather and sea level rise will cause mounting economic costs in terms of damage to health, infrastructure, and food security. • ASEAN Member States (AMS) have a variety of policies and responses to climate change adaptation and disaster risk...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
• By 2050, more than half the population of most ASEAN Member States (AMS) will live in cities, and by 2035 the ASEAN region will have at least five mega-cities. • Cities are a laboratory of local and global challenges and solutions, and ASEAN cities are frequently frontrunners in developing sustainable (model) cities, with multiple good practices...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
• Since its inception, ASEAN has had a vision of an integrated, sustainable, harmonious, peaceful, and productive region, with its “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”. • The three complementary communities, APSC, AEC, and ASCC, all include aspects of the future environmental conditions and quality of life desired for all ASEAN people, aligned...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
This report comprehensively reviewed the state and trends of the environment, the pressures on it and the drivers of those pressures, and the national and regional initiatives in place to address environmental concerns, using the DPSIR framework, and provided an overall outlook for the ASEAN environment. New elements, especially the SDGs, Paris...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
• Except for land-linked Lao PDR, the remaining ASEAN Member States (AMS) are bordered by seas. Those seas, however, are under increasing direct and indirect pressure from human interference, including the preference for many forms of development in the region’s coastal zones and islands. • Aquaculture is rapidly replacing overexploited capture...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
• The SDGs encourage countries to develop synergies between the environment and the social and economic dimensions of sustainable development. This could help gain more support for environmental measures by the public as well as a broader range of policymakers. • AMS have extensively engaged with the SDG process, developing data and indicators and...
Policy Report
The ASEAN State of the Environment Report (SOER) is a regular flagship publication of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN) which is periodically published every 3-5 years. The SOERs present a comprehensive review of the state and trends of the environment, the pressures on it and the drivers of those pressures, and the national and...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
Filberto A.
• The ASEAN region is one of the most biodiverse in the world on land, in freshwater and in the ocean. • Drivers that underlie pressures on biodiversity in AMS include economic incentives that promote consumption and, hence, land-use change. These drivers are challenges to achieving SDGs 14 and 15 on conserving marine and terrestrial biodiversity...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
▪ Environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) are needed to develop individuals’ and communities’ capacities through transformative education to build sustainable environments, economies, and societies through reconfiguring the relationship between people, the environment, the economy, and society. ▪ AMS face...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
● Many environmental responses tackle the impacts that appear at the end of a long chain of logic, such as premature deaths from air pollution, but they rarely address the underlying “drivers” of change. ● In the ASEAN region, these drivers include economic strategies that are geared towards creating an ASEAN economic community, continued...