Presentation January 2004 January 2004 Participatory Action Research as a tool for collaboration among local stakeholders and scientists (1): Concept and problems 第115回日本林学会大会講演集 Author: Makoto INOUE Martinus NANANG Kimihiko HYAKUMURA Kazuhiro HARADA
Presentation January 2004 January 2004 Participatory Action Research as a Tool for Collaboration among Local Stakeholders and Scientists (3): Lessons from Laos 第115回日本林学会大会講演集 Author: Kimihiko HYAKUMURA Makoto INOUE Morimoto,Takashi Miyuki Ishikawa
Book Chapter April 2001 April 2001 Division 6 In 森林科学用語集(Vocabulary of Forest Science) Author: Satoshi TACHIBANA