Training Workshop Outline and Objectives

Event: Regional Training Workshop on the Development of National Action Plan on Marine Debris and Evidence-based Policy Making for Sound Solid Waste Management in ASEAN Member States (AMS)
Date: 26-28 September (Bangkok, Thailand)

As a part of the capacity development at regional level for the JAIF Project on “Strengthening Capacity for Marine Debris Reduction in ASEAN region through formulation of National Action Plans for ASEAN Member States and Integrated Land-to-Sea Policy Approach (Phase 2)" to share the innovative approaches, good practices on national
action plan development and data management among ASEAN Member States (AMS), a training workshop will be
organised with the following expectations:
➢ Understand the importance of National Action Plan (NAP) development.
➢ Understand the outline of plastic monitoring and estimation tools and methodology.
➢ Understanding of utilisation of Waste Flow Diagram (WFD).
➢ Understand how to identify (plastic) waste hotspots and pathways from the land to waterways.
➢ Promote evidence-based policy making to improve MSWM and mitigate plastic pollution.
