Integrative Strategic Research Programme of IGES for the 8th Phase (ISRP8)

Business Report
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The Integrative Strategic Research Programme for the 8th Phase (ISRP8) is a four-year programme for IGES to implement from July 2021 to June 2025. It was initiated by an internal process within IGES in February 2020 and developed through deliberations by the IGES Boards of Directors and Trustees (BOD/BOT) in 2020-2021. A draft of the Major Directions for ISRP8 and the first draft of ISRP8 were broadly supported and received comments and suggestions at the BOD/BOT meetings in May and October 2020, respectively. The first draft, in which draft key performance indicators and renewed organisational arrangements were laid out, received in-principle approval from the BOD/BOT in October 2020 and was further fine-tuned for official approval by the BOD/BOT in May 2021.
