- English
In order to ensure accountability of each research project and provide feedback to improve overall effectiveness, IGES has traditionally conducted a review at the end of each Phase by external experts.
The IGES external reviews examine to what extent studies and activities conducted in the Integrative Strategic Research Programme for the Sixth Phase (ISRP6) satisfied the original targets and intentions of the studies, and what meaningful impacts have been created in important policy processes. Also important, is how achievements made and lessons learnt in the ISRP6 could be properly reflected into the implementation of the following/current Phase (ISRP7, FY2017-2020).
In later phases at IGES, the scope has expanded significantly beyond research outputs to incorporate more discussion about engagement in important policy processes, networking and partnership with other stakeholders and research institutes, and generating impacts. The IRSP6 introduced a very clear visions for IGES to become an agent of change to contribute to making Asia and the rest of the world more sustainable. This made it clear that impact generation is IGES’s most important objective. In addition, IGES’s activities are guided by its Medium-to-Long Term Strategy 2016-2025 (MLS) approved by the IGES Board of Directors and Trustees in February 2016 with the following objectives:
• To elaborate the vision of the IGES, reconfirming the basic principles prescribed in the Charter for the Establishment of IGES, and its mission taking into account the value proposition of the institute;
• To set medium-to-long term goals for priority research areas, with a view to making significant progress in contributing to social transition through fulfilling the IGES mission, taking into account global and regional trends related to each area;
• To establish organisational strategies to meet the medium-to-long term goals; and
• To provide directions for an enhanced institutional basis to support the implementation of the strategy.
In the Sixth Phase review, an emphasis was made more on IGES-wide performance on impact generation and productivity rather than that of individual research units, and in so doing, reviews of the sections that are coordinating IGES-wide activities (Programme Management Office or PMO) and resource management (Secretariat) are included. The review was conducted soon after the ISRP6 was completed to retain the results as freshly as possible; however, there are a couple of sections where there are some details lacking due to key staff’s absence after the entry of the new Phase.
- English