Capacity building for transparency and reporting: sharing experiences from the Asia-Pacific region

Event: The Challenging Issues of Environment/Climate Change Institution and Policy under SDGs Regime
Date: November 4, 2021 (COP26 Japan Pavilion, Glasgow, UK)
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Many countries have been making efforts to improve capacity for reporting on their climate actions and support internationally. To make a shift to the Paris Agreement's enhanced transparency framework, areas for further actions include as to how to ensure successful capacity building cases be spread even for countries with currently low capacity.

This presentation summarizes the key findings of two recent studies the author engaged with related to capacity building for transparency in the Asia-Pacific region. It was presented at a COP26 side event, entitled as “The Challenging Issues of Environment/Climate Change Institution and Policy under SDGs Regime” and organized by JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development and its partner organizations.      
