Climate Change Adaptation: Governance, Goals and Metrics

Event: JICA Training on ‘Capacity building for development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Climate Change'
Date: 8-8-2018

This presentation was made at the JICA training program on ‘Capacity building for development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Climate Change’. The objective of the session was to introduce principles, practices and strategies for promoting adaptation, adaptation governance, adaptation decision-making frameworks, and compounding of risks and means to address through adaptation planning. To that effect, this presentation starts by elaborating about the interface between adaptation and mitigation, explains the need for prioritizing adaptation for the vulnerable countries, and introduces strategies for promoting adaptation. Subsequently, it presents the growing body of work on the compounding of risks and how such risks are being systematically ignored in the current adaptation planning and what it means for the overall risk reduction. Intermittently, the presentation also touches upon the relationship between climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
