The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) Exchange Series on Climate Change Adaptation (FY2017)

The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) Exchange Series on Climate Change Adaptation is the email- based discussion operated by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) with the support from the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MoEJ). The Exchange seeks to capture, consolidate and share experience-based knowledge as well as strengthen community members of APAN Network and enable government officials and key practitioners to interact with experts and with each other to gain knowledge in an online space.

In FY2017, three online discussions were conducted via the APAN Exchange Series (14th – 16th) with an adaptation expert posting questions to existing subscribers, who include national and local government officials across Asia-Pacific working on climate change adaptation and planning, other adaptation practitioners, and development partners. The three topics of the Exchange will be relevant to the post- COP23, IGES adaptation workshop on adaptation and climate change impact assessment, and mainstreaming gender into climate change adaptation.
