The Better Air Quality (BAQ) conference 2023, the region's largest and most prestigious air quality gathering, was held on 15th -17th November 2023, with pre-events on 13th -14th November, at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila, Philippines...
Sustainability Science probes interactions between global, social, and human systems, the complex mechanisms that lead to degradation of these systems, and concomitant risks to human well-being. The journal provides a platform for building...
Through cross-cutting environmental policy research, IGES supports green recovery efforts towards a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive Asia-Pacific after COVID-19.
The 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, from 15 to 30 September 2020, marks the 75th anniversary of the UN. As the world continues to face the COVID-19 pandemic, this UN General Assembly has also become the first in its history to be
For the recent Climate Action Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called on world leaders to come to New York on 23 September with concrete, realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions by 2020, in line with reducing...