Launch of SDGs Progress Report 2022 Survey Results on the Efforts of Global Compact Network Japan Companies and Organisations
IGES Researcher Receives Incentive Award at the 14th Kitakyushu City Women's Active Participation and Work-Life Balance Awards
MOU Between IGES and START International for Advancing the Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere Approach in Asia
On 28 May, IGES and START International signed a Memorandum of Understanding to advance research and capacity building that strengthens understanding and promotes utilisation of the Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere concept.
IGES Prepares Key Messages on Accelerating Progress on the SDGs for the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD)
It was in the spirit of collective action that IGES developed 14 key messages to help policymakers in the Asia-Pacific Region accelerate progress on the SDGs.
Launch of the IGES “SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation Tool” (Version 3.0)
An upgraded version of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies’ (IGES) SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation Tool (Version 3.0) is now available.
“Japanese Companies Increasingly Embrace Action on the SDGs, Including a Focus on Gender Equality” Official launch of a new report “Mainstreaming the SDGs in Business: Actions by Companies and Organisations in Japan”
“Japanese Companies Increasingly Embrace Action on the SDGs, Including a Focus on Gender Equality”
Official launch of a new report “Mainstreaming the SDGs in Business: Actions by Companies and Organisations in Japan”

Launch of a featured website on the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) 2019
This special website features explanatory articles, on-site reports and related publications.

Launch of the 'IGES SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation Tool (V2.0)'

Showing the Way towards Integrating SDGs into Core Business with Extensive Examples of Private Companies in Japan: Launch of new report
Showing the Way towards Integrating SDGs into Core Business with Extensive Examples of Private Companies in Japan: Launch of new report.