Results 1 - 10 of 15 (Sorted by date)
Past Event

Climate-related Security Risks - Introductory Training

From December 4th to 6th, 2024, IGES, in collaboration with adelphi, Germany, hosted an introductory training focused on climate-related security risks at its headquarters in Kanagawa, Japan. This event was part of the broader "Asia-Pacific...
Past Event
The 6th SDGs Training

The SDGs Global Human Resource Development Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues

IGES will organise the "SDGs Global Human Resource Development Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" from July 2024 to January 2025. This programme is being carried out as part of a UNESCO Activity Grant for...
Past Event
COP 28 Japan Pavilion Event

1.5°C Business Transformation Plan: Navigating the Net-Zero Future with a Roadmap

In order to accelerate efforts toward net zero with rapid and deep GHG emission reductions, systemic change which covers both the energy-demand side and supply-side is necessary. Such systemic change is also critically important for businesses to...
Past Event
The 4th Kitakyushu SDGs Training Programme

Learn from the Front-runner Practices of Creating Synergy Effects from Renewable Energy by Visiting Two Zero-Carbon Cities in Kyushu, Japan

The 4th Kitakyushu SDG Training Programme called for 10 undergraduate and graduate students who were interested in practices related to renewable energy and the integration of the three basic SDG principles: environment, economy, and society...
Past Event

Oil and Gas Methane Mitigation: Opportunities for Japan’s Decarbonization

Over the past year, Japan has stepped up its climate commitment on the international stage to cut the emissions of methane, a short-lived but powerful greenhouse gas. In November 2021, at COP26, Japan along with more than 100 countries signed the...
Past Event
Climate & SDGs Conference [Side Events]

How to synergize the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

This side event will reveal the evolution of government public commitments over time, country-specific challenges and opportunities linked to the energy transition, and inform which policy instruments governments can use to increase climate action...
Past Event
Integrated Programme for Better Air Quality in Asia

Technology Roundtable and Fair for Combating Air Pollution and Climate Change in Asia

The IBAQ is supporting the implementation of clean air action plans and technologies to help address air pollution and climate change in Asia. Aligned with this objective, IGES and Clean Air Asia (CAA) co-organised a virtual technology event with...