Results 1 - 10 of 24 (Sorted by date)
Upcoming Event

The Fourth International Forum on Low Carbon Cities

IGES, and JICA Kyushu will co-host the Fourth International Forum on Low Carbon Cities organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the City of Kitakyushu and Incheon Metropolitan City on 8...
Past Event
UNEA6 Side Event

Synergistic Approaches to Overcome the Triple Crisis and the SDG Deadlock

This side event, held at the 6th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA6), focused on the critical need for enhancing synergistic approaches to addressing the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. These...
Past Event
ASEAN SDGs-Frontrunner Cities Programme Phase 2

Upcycling Workshop in Redang Island, Malaysia

On 16 September 2023, approximately 40 residents of the Kampung Baru village community in Malaysia’s Redang Island joined a half-day workshop to learn new skills for upcycling discarded plastic, with support and funding from the ASEAN SDGS...
Past Event
ASEAN SDGs-Frontrunner Cities Programme Phase 2

Workshop on Database Development for Disaster Management in Prik Sub-district, Songkhla Province of Thailand

Under the support of the ASEAN SDGs-FC Programme Phase 2, Prik Sub-district Municipality (Prik Municipality) organised a workshop on database preparation for disaster management. This followed earlier workshops held in collaboration with other...
Past Event
HLPF 2023 Official Side Event

Translating Evidence to Action on Climate and SDGs Synergies in Asia and Beyond

The urgent need to address the climate, biodiversity and pollution crises have focused attention on solutions that leverage synergies across multiple issues. Such solutions can be more cost-effective than single-issue interventions, overcoming...
Past Event
SB58 Side Event

Regional GST: Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities

The collectiveness of the Global Stocktake (GST) is about inclusivity and collaboration in assessing global climate action efforts and monitoring progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement. The webinar explored the increasing...
Past Event
ASEAN SDGs Frontrunner Cities Programme Phase 2

The 1st Regional Workshop

In collaboration with the Department of Town and Country Planning (PLANMalaysia) under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia, IGES organised the 1st Regional (Inception) Workshop for ASEAN SDGs Frontrunner Cities Programme Phase 2...
Past Event
International Workshop

Building Resilience to the Risk of Compound and Cascading Disasters in the Context of Climate Change - Launch of the New e-learning Course on AP-PLAT

During this era that is defined by the climate crisis, we see a deepening risk of natural disasters in every corner of the world. The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), along with IGES, has developed the e-learning course "Building...