Results 1 - 10 of 27 (Sorted by date)
Upcoming Event

The Fourth International Forum on Low Carbon Cities

IGES, and JICA Kyushu will co-host the Fourth International Forum on Low Carbon Cities organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the City of Kitakyushu and Incheon Metropolitan City on 8...
Past Event
Climate Security Webinar Series

Upcoming US elections and Implications for Climate and Industrial Policy

This webinar focused on the potential implications of the upcoming US elections on climate and industrial policy, with a special focus on climate security. It provided an overview of the current US climate policy landscape and explored how...
Past Event
Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP)

Reporting of mitigation actions in the agriculture sector under Article13

The Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP), implemented and funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), aims to assist countries to prepare their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) under the enhanced transparency...
Past Event
Asia-Pacific Climate Security Project (APCS)

International Workshop "Ensuring Food Security under Climate Crisis"

This workshop investigated current debates, research gaps, and possible policy interventions for ensuring food security under climate crisis. The communiqué issued at the World Food Summit in 1996 defines food security as follows: ‘Food security...
Past Event
Asia-Pacific Climate Security Project (APCS)

International Symposium on Climate Security in Asia-Pacific

IGES is organising an international symposium to mark the launch of this initiative on climate security to strengthen the understanding of the necessary interventions needed in this dynamic policy area.
Past Event
Side-event at APCW 2023

Shaping ‘Climate Security’ in Asia-Pacific

Climate security is an emerging concept that underlines the critical importance of addressing climate change issues in the context of security. This session rolls out the IGES’s new initiative aiming to explore climate security in the Asia-Pacific...
Past Event

Regional Workshop on Climate Vulnerability Monitor: Focus on East Asia

Climate change is an existential crisis for the people of all countries. However, climate change poses an even more undeniable threat to countries that are particularly highly vulnerable due to their underlying biophysical and socio-economic characte