Results 1 - 10 of 13 (Sorted by date)
Past Event
JSPS-ICSSR Seminar 2022

Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future

Download the proceedings of the seminar from here: JSPS-ICSSR Seminar Proceedings The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to 202 countries and territories infecting 633 million people and killing 6.6 million as on November 09, 2022. 22.7 million people...
Past Event
APFSD side event

A One Health Approach to Regulating Ocean Microplastics: Translating Advocacy into Action

The COVID-19 crisis has focused a growing amount of attention on the close interrelationship between human, animal and environmental health. Efforts to capture this interrelationship in policy and practice are often summarised under the heading of “o
Past Event
HLPF2021 Side Event

Healthy Planet, Healthy People: Role of the Satoyama Initiative for Green and Blue Recovery

In line with the key theme of the 2021 HLPF, this side event will highlight the role of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) under the Satoyama Initiative in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as its...
Past Event

Commemorating the Japanese Edition of the “Science-Based Solutions Report: Air Pollution in the Asia-Pacific Region” “Symposium on New Directions and Future Initiatives for Air Pollution Control in Asia" -Aiming to simultaneously solve problems with air

Air pollution, which has become a serious social problem in the Asia-Pacific region, is closely related to climate change, in terms of both impact and necessary countermeasures. It is also an important issue for achieving the SDGs. Thus, at the...