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韓国原子力協会に招待され、2024年12月に韓国慶州市のHwabaek国際コンベンションセンターにて開催されたGlobal Nuclear Energy & Safety Confex (NES 2024)に出席した。 韓国の原発政策は、2022年に発足した尹錫悦政権が文在寅前政権の脱原発から180度方針転換し、国内の新増設と国外への原発輸出拡大へと舵を切った。 この会議には韓国内外の原子力産業から75社、160の展示ブース、約5,000名(主催者発表)が参加した。
In Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor
India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the country’s clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend not on national but subnational governments. This paper argues that India’s subnational governments have significant potential to...
国連環境計画(UNEP)が発表した「Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record –Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again) - Executive Summary」の日本語翻訳版(暫定非公式訳)。誓約された温室効果ガス排出削減量とパリ協定の長期気温目標に整合するために必要な削減量との間のギャップ、およびこのギャップを埋める機会について独立した科学に基づく評価を提供している。国連気候変動枠組条約第28回締約国会議(COP28)に先駆けて発行された本版では、グローバル・ストックテイクの最終的な議論に最適な知見を提供するとともに...
2021년 10월 일본 정부는 제6차 에너지 기본계획 발표에서, 재생에너지 발전비중을약 2배 수준인 36~38%로 확대하는 ‘재생에너지의 주력전원화’ 목표를 제시함 동 보고서는 제6차 에너지 기본계획에 기초해 2021년 기준 일본 내 원자력 발전현황을 분석하고, 2030년까지의 원자력 발전량 예측치를 제시함 일본 정부는 기존 원전 27기가 2030년까지 이용률 70-80%로 운영된다면, 일본에너지 믹스에서 원자력 발전이 20-22% 비중을 차지할 것으로 가정함 하지만, 2011년 후쿠시마 원전사고 이후 2021년 기준 재가동 원전은 10기에 불과함 원전 재가동을 위해 원전사업자는 일본 원자력규제위원회(Nuclear...
India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend on subnational governments. This paper argues India’s subnational governments have significant potential to capitalise on diverse natural resource...
インドの外交・安全保障政策やエネルギー・気候変動政策に影響力を持つ著名なシンクタンクであるオブザーバー・リサーチ・ファウンデーション(ORF)に招待され、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)のアブダビエネルギーセンターにおいて11月12日に開催された「From G20 to COP28: Energy, Climate and Growth」に出席した。 この会議は、今年の20カ国・地域首脳会議(G20)ホスト国であるインドがその成功を広く内外に示し、国連気候変動枠組条約第28回締約国会議(COP28)の開催を控えた議長国であるUAEへとバトンを渡す意味を持っていた。 今年の11月30日から開催されるCOP28において、産油国のUAEが議長国としてリーダーシップを発揮してどこまで世界の脱炭素を進展させ...
In Hydrogen in Decarbonization Strategies in Asia and the Pacific
This chapter explores the interest in hydrogen adoption across Asian countries for achieving net-zero goals, with a particular focus on Japan's prominent role. While Japan has taken strides in hydrogen initiatives, the extent to which its strategy aligns with ambitious climate targets remains uncertain. The chapter emphasises the importance of...
Since the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2021, global society, including Asian countries, has entered the phase of how to implement a long-term transition roadmap to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Given vital needs for the development in many Asian countries, a...
The world’s advanced economies have committed to phasing out coal over the next seven years. But not Japan, which stands alone insisting it can make coal less damaging to the planet. Nowhere is that more evident than at the nation’s largest coal-fired power plant in Hekinan, a small city in central Japan where 400,000 tons of jet-black piles are...
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