Results 1 to 10 of 326 (Sorted by date)
Key messages: 1. Climate change results in substantial loss and damage to societies and natural systems when it is not mitigated by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or averted through adaptation. Loss of life, extinction of species and ecosystem destruction are a few of the irreversible repercussions already attributed to unabated climate change...
In Disaster Risk Reduction and Rural Resilience: With a Focus on Agriculture, Water, Gender and Technology
The South Asian nations have vibrant agrarian economies with a significant proportion of their populations dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. These countries have made significant progress in developing the agriculture policy environment though slowly through concerted actions over the years as a result of which they have increasingly...
Climate change adaptation in agriculture for enhanced recovery and sustainability of highlands
CSA projects needs to be bankable. i.e. the project addresses/considers all known financial and economic risks and yields solid financial and economic performance while providing climate benefits. 1. Design synergistic CSA practices meeting dual objectives: climate change risk and vulnerability reduction and GHG mitigation 2. Wherever appropriate...
Climate change adaptation in agriculture for enhanced recovery and sustainability of highlands
Thai highlands are characterized by high heterogeneity in vertical and horizontal planes in terms of microclimate, geographical, and socio-economic factors that determine the nature of agriculture practised and livelihoods. Highland agriculture is rapidly changing as commercial farming and plantations are being introduced with detrimental impacts...
In All-Hazards Approach Towards Resilience Building
The risks, climatic and non-climatic, are increasingly integrating and interacting with each other across geographical and time scales. This is largely happening due to factors and processes outside the purview of the risk management community that they have mostly ignored for most of the risk management history. The recent pandemic COVID-19 has...
In Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Loss & Damage
Loss and damages (L&D) caused by climate change have become important in international and national discussions. However, the least understood and addressed aspect of L&D is non-economic loss and damages (NELDs). This paper highlights the importance of identifying appropriate NELD indicators and practices to help mitigate them. The findings suggest...
In Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss & Damage
Slow-onset events such as increasing temperature, desertification, loss of biodiversity sea-level rise, and forest degradation constitute a significant part of climate change impacts that demand greater attention. Among these, ASEAN member states (AMS) are seriously concerned about sea-level rise and loss of biodiversity that can have important...
地球規模で進む気候変動は、気象の激甚化、そして洪水や干ばつなどの自然災害を世界各地で引き起こし、新たな人道危機を生み出している。すでに社会基盤が脆弱化している紛争下の人々にとって、気候変動はリスクを増幅させる要因にもなっている。気候変動の負の影響が人類の発展や国際政治・経済の安定を阻むこの気候危機とも呼ばれる状況は、「気候安全保障」という視点から捉えることができる。人間の安全保障を掲げて開発援助に注力する日本にとって、気候危機下の人道支援の現状を分析・評価することは、今後の外交政策を展望する上で必須の課題だと言えるだろう。 気候安全保障は「日本国内に直接生じる安全保障リスク」と「日本国外で生じる安全保障リスクから波及して生じる日本の安全保障リスク」の2つに分類できる。本稿では...
As the climate crisis worsens, the nexus between security considerations and climate is attracting both policy and academic attention. Despite its socio-political importance, the significance of considering climate change from a security and diplomatic perspective has not yet been fully explored in the policy arena and on-the-ground actions. The...
On 8 December 2023, the COP28 Japan Pavilion side event “Accelerating International Collaboration towards a Net-zero and Resilient ASEAN” was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), inviting ASEAN Member State (AMS) representatives, youth, and a European research organisation, and had a panel discussion...
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