Results 1 to 10 of 124 (Sorted by date)
WEPA Fourth Phase Final Report
Recognizing that the improvement of water environmental governance is essential to solve water pollution problems in the Asian Region, the Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) was launched in 2004 by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. During the fourth phase of WEPA, which began in FY2019, the objective of WEPA’s fourth phase was...
Since the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2021, global society, including Asian countries, has entered the phase of how to implement a long-term transition roadmap to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Given vital needs for the development in many Asian countries, a...
本業務では「令和3年度 AP-PLAT 能力強化コンテンツ開発とパートナー機関連携業務」(以下、「令和3年度業務」という。)で得た成果を前提に、NIES との協業で AP-PLAT の目的や意義等を再検討の上定義し、「AP-PLAT パートナー機関」の定義に基づき協業についての合意形成を行った。また、令和3年度業務成果物である適応能力強化の定義文書や E-Learning 教材を効果的に活用し、既に協力合意を取り付けた「能力強化パートナー機関」15 機関と具体的かつ実質的な連携の上で、開発途上国地域社会の適応ニーズにあった研修事業を設計して既存の教材を運用した。さらに、令和3年度業務で整理したマトリックスを踏まえつつ、AP-PLAT「能力強化」コンテンツとして E-Learning...
In Nature-Based Solutions
More than 90 systematic reviews have been conducted on the topic of nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation (NBS-CCA). These prior reviews, however, are scattered across more than 45 different peer-reviewed journals and gray literature sources, making it difficult to follow all of the knowledge generated and remaining research gaps. In...
In The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (GAR 2022)
[Please refer to Page 74 in GAR2022 where this work is cited. The full paper will be online soon at the same website as GAR2022] The rapidly changing socio-economic landscape of the Southeast Asian countries is an important driver for systemic risks such as climate change and hydro-geological disasters. Global processes such as the SFDRR, the Paris...
The ‘Scoping study on compound, cascading and systemic risks in the Asia-Pacific’, undertaken by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and Asia Pacific Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (AP-STAG), presents an important opportunity to explore the challenges and potential associated with better understanding and managing...
In Groundwater for Sustainable Livelihoods and Equitable Growth
Groundwater offers smallholder farmers in the lowlands of Lao PDR opportunities to diversify cropping beyond wet season paddy and thus enhance their livelihoods while reducing climate risks. This chapter focuses on evaluating existing and specifically developed groundwater irrigation options on the Vientiane Plain, and framing the findings around...
気候変動影響により気象災害の更なる激甚化が予測されている中、新型コロナウイルス感染症が流行し、感染症と自然災害が同時に発生する複合リスクへの備えの必要性について認識させた。本事業では、そういった複合連鎖災害リスクへの対応強化を図るべく、気候変動を考慮した感染症や気象災害に対する、地域コミュニティーの強靭性強化について、我が国の知見を活用した技術協力の国際展開と、世界における気候変動に対する強靭化に我が国が適切な貢献を果たすための適応分野の議論の動向把握及び政策提言を行うことを目的として業務を実施した。本報告書は、業務内容:(1)強靭性強化研修パッケージ開発と国際展開ワークショップ開催、(2)世界における適応分野の動向把握と提言、の成果をまとめたものである。 While further...
The international workshop “Building Resilience to the Risk of Compound and Cascading Disasters in the Context of Climate Change: Launch of the New e-learning Course on AP-PLAT” was held online on 21 January 2022, organised by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and co-organised by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)...
PAER Policy Guide
Key messages There is a need for a broader and holistic effort to address a host of environmental issues and challenges faced by the Tonle Sap Lake (TSL). In order to realize a sustainable and resilient TSL and its basin, this policy guide suggests three resilience enhancement measures: i) Ecohydrological resilience enhancement measures, ii) Land...
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